Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sick or Not Sick? That is the Question...

My throat and head hurt, my nose is runny, and I'm dragging a**.  I saw my brother, who had a really bad cold, this weekend, so I'm scared I'm getting what he had.  As a pre-emptive strike, I'm practically O.D.-ing on Vitamin C and Zinc, and I'm chugging airborne and popping throat lozenges like there's no tomorrow...I have entirely too much going on to get sick right now!  We did 5 miles on Saturday after the game, which I was pleased with (even for a treadmill time!).  I did run on the treadmill tonight, but took it a little easier just so I don't wear myself down, especially since I'm still working late and have to be on top of my game.
Today's stats:
  • 10min warm-up walk
  • 3mi run; 0:43:40min; 14:33min/mi

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I'm getting over exactly what your brother had. Took me a week to feel normal again. *hugs* and hope you kick this cold soon! :)
