Tuesday, September 28, 2010

100 Days 'Til the Half

Yup, just 100 short days until the WDW Half Marathon.  As the last triple-digit-day in my countdown to the big race comes to a close, I'm taking a moment to evaluate my progress so far.  This is the 6th "official" training week, and I feel good.  I'm on track with my training schedule, and I'm averaging a faster pace than I had been either year before at this point in training!

We're headed to Disney this weekend for the Wine & Dine Half Marathon Relay, so that should provide the perfect amount of Disney race "magic" to keep me motivated and aiming high for January!

Today's stats:
  • 0.57mi warm-up walk
  • 3.0mi run; 40:03min; 13:21min/mi

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Race Report: Purple Stride Austin 5K

Up Saturday morning at 7am.  I met up with Lauren about 8:10, and together we waited for the race to start at 8:30.  Temps were in the low 70's with high humidity, and the sun was beginning to rise high in the clear sky - it was pretty warm.  But the race went well!  Some of the hills were tough, but overall I was very pleased with my performance.  I forgot to turn off my watch when I crossed the finish line, so I don't have an precise race time (& they haven't posted the official results yet), but the race clock read 40:20 as I finished, and I crossed the start line approx. 5 seconds after the clock started, so I'm going with a time of 40:15.

The Day's Stats:
  • 3.1mi run; 40:15min; 12:59min/mi pace - Pretty darn good!
  • Purple Stride  - remember that I forgot to turn off the watch...
  • 0.9mi "cool-down run" - to get to a total 4mi training run for the day