Friday, February 11, 2011

Thrills, Trends, and Twinges

Well, it's been quite a day!  Three big running-related things happened:

1.  I registered for the San Francisco 1st Half Marathon this morning!  And this officially throws my earlier assertion that "Disney is the only place where I will run a 'long' race" out the window...  As the child of a native Californian, I just can't resist the draw of running across the Golden Gate Bridge!!!

2.  I ran in my first ever RunningSkirt tonight - the "Athletic Skirt" style.  It was just a 2 mile treadmill run, but I liked how it looked, and I liked how it felt!  I think other people are so cute in them, so I finally couldn't resist jumping on the bandwagon!  I'm hoping to wear it for the Dallas RnR in March, so I can't wait to road-test it on some longer runs!

3.  During my first mile tonight, my left shin started...well, not hurting, but I was feeling it.  Not sure if it's a sign that it might be close to time for new shoes, or a result of a lot of treadmill running lately, or...a dreaded shin splint - nooooooooo!  It didn't get worse, but it didn't go away either.  With better weather coming, I'll be running outside and in different shoes in the coming week.  I'm hoping that's all it will take to remedy the issue.

Today's stats:
  • 10 minute warm-up walk
  • 2 mi run; 0:25:58 min; 12:59 min/mi pace

    Thursday, February 10, 2011

    Playing Hooky...or Should I Say "Hood-y?"

    I'm skipping my normal Thursday run to go see a movie tonight.  Before you boo, hiss, and nay-say skipping a training run for a movie, let me explain.  It's not just any movie.  It's the one-night-only, encore presentation of the Hood to Coast Movie!!!  I have heard so many great things about this race and the movie, that I can't wait to see it!  If it's coming to your City tonight, go see it!

    So I'll bump my Thursday run to Friday, and since they're both only 2 miles this week, I'll keep my normal Saturday run so the schedule's not screwed up too badly.

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011


    Static electricity sucks.  Thank goodness I only had 2 miles to run on the treadmill tonight, because every time I touched any part of the machine, whether I was pushing buttons on the control panel or just accidentally brushing against the arms of the machine, I got shocked!  Since I use interval training, that means I'm changing speeds approximately every minute - that's at least a shock a minute - and not just small little zings, but hair-raising shocks (well, not really because of the ponytail, but they would've been)!  I don't know if there's an  excess energy buildup in the air due to the incoming storm or what, but this was ridiculous!

    Today's stats:
    • 10 minute warm-up walk
    • 2 mi run; 0:25:57 min; 12:59 min/mi avg. pace