Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hitting 200!

I hit the 200 mile mark today!  This is a great milestone, but it's almost 6 months into the year, and I'm less than a 1/3 of the way towards my goal for the year - which is 700 miles.

I'm not too worried at this point, because  most of my training in the begining of the year was for shorter races, and I'm just now getting into the "long" runs for my SanFran training.  And I know once that once my full marathon training starts, the miles will add up quickly.

I decided to try out the 2:1 ratio on the treadmill this morning.  I didn't stick with the 2:1 the whole way through - around the middle of the run I decided to do some 1:1 intervals to make sure I had enough in me to finish out the full 45 minutes.  Knowing that I'd had to slow down in the middle, I don't know why I was so surprised by my slower average pace, but I was.  Wow.  That's slower than I've been in a LONG time.  Obviously I've got some more work to do!

Today's stats:
  • 10 min. warm-up walk
  • 45 min.; 3.36 mi; 13:24 min/mi avg. pace