Monday, December 26, 2011

Naughty or Nice: The Jury's Still Out

Hmmm.  Looking back over the last year of running, I think I can truthfully say that the overall verdict is for the year will be "Nice."  Looking back at the last month or so, however... the jury's still out.

 So, let's take a look:

Nice This Month:

Naughty This Month:
  • I skipped almost all of my mid-week short runs due to illness (really bad cold & nasty cough), or in some cases, just plain laziness;
  • My average pace has gotten slower over the last few months;
  • My overall nutrition and fueling has really fallen off and I'm feeling it;
  • I'm not going to make my goal of running 700 miles this year.

I'm really not sure if those lists balance out - so for now, the jury's still out.  There's just been a lot going on lately.

I hope everyone had Happy Holidays!

Saturday's White Rock Loop:
  • 9 miles; 2:11:47; 14:38min/mi average pace