Thursday, March 15, 2012

Anticipating Destination Racing

While I'm waiting for my motivation to return (yes, it's still MIA), I've had plenty of time to think about my upcoming races - especially those that I'm really looking forward to.  Sure, I've got a half here in Dallas next weekend, and a half in San Antonio this fall, but what's got me positively giddy with excitement?  It's my destination racing schedule for 2012:

Very cool, no?  And the best part is that I have friends and/or family running each race, so not only do I get the excitement of traveling to a fun location, but I can hang out and run with people I have fun with!  Sure, I'm worried about time limits on San Francisco (just like last year) and MCM, but I know that with some serious training and help from friends along the way I can get there.

The Patriot's Challenge race combo is just going to be a fun "girl's weekend" with some awesome ladies from one of my running groups - no pressure, just a good time and a special medal for running both races.  San Francisco is the 2nd half of the course that I started last year, and I get to run with a friend and get a special medal for completing the Half It All Challenge (noticing a trend?).  Lastly, MCM is a race I've wanted to do from the minute I first heard about it - it's known as "the people's marathon" and is supposed to be incredible - I can't wait to run with yet another friend and experience it together!

I appreciate the help y'all have given me with the motivation issue - I'm hoping it'll show back up fairly soon.  But for now, I am keeping the dream alive by eagerly anticipating and planning for these great races that I have on the schedule!

Psst - I actually got a 3 mile run in on the treadmill this evening!  A mid-week run!  That's practically a miracle these days...  Of course, it helps that I ordered a new SparkleSkirt and HAD to try it out.  If that's what it takes to get my rear going, then I might just have to sacrifice and get myself some cute new skirts as motivation...hehehehe.