Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What To Do When You're NOT Running a Race That All Your Friends Are?

Many of my friends are running the runDisney Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 10 Miler (ToT) this weekend.  And I'm not.  Big BOO.  It just didn't fit well into my training schedule for MCM, or fit with this year's travel/budget constraints (too many races and trips, not enough time and money).

In order to cope with the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) from not running this race, I've come up with a list of coping strategies.  Actually, I've come up with two lists - feel free to choose whichever works best for you - adapting as needed for your own personal circumstances.

OPTION 1: Pretend like there's NOT a race going on this weekend to make yourself feel better about your "normal" plans, indulging in a little jealousy and general snarkiness along the way:

  • Prior to race day:
    • Avoid all mentions of "that race" others are running;
    • Remind yourself you ran ToT three years ago (you're not missing out on anything, been there - done that);
  • On Race Day:
    • Run your last long training run for MCM (twice as long as ToT - and way more hardcore);
    • Recuperate in an ice bath (not needed after ToT);
    • Curl up on the couch and nap (no time for naps at WDW);
    • Avoid ALL forms of social media;
    • Watch the Texas Longhorns play their first conference football game of the season (kickoff just about when the racers should be headed for the runner's village - they'll miss the game); and, finally,
    • Go to bed at a decent hour (after-parties are over-rated).

OPTION 2: Be the best "virtual spectator" you can be:
  • Prior to race day:
    • Listen to your friends bubbling over with excitement about the race, trying not to beat yourself up about not finding SOME way to make the race happen;
    • Offer advice about what the race was like the year you ran it;
    • Torture yourself by reading all the message boards, tweets, blogs, and FB posts about weather forecasts, cute costume ideas, and who's staying at what resorts on WDW property;
    • Make a list of who's racing, with their bib #s,  so you know who to virtually track; and
    • Pour over all the race materials, including the race guide, and the final race instructions.
  • On Race Day:
    • Post a general "Good luck to everyone racing today" as your FB status before heading out the door at o'dark-thirty on previously mentioned training run;
    • Spend the afternoon trolling social media sites for status updates, tweets, photos, etc. from friends spread all over WDW property.
    • Set up "Texas Tracking Central" with smartphone & laptop in front of the big TV downstairs so you can track friends while you finish watching the Texas Longhorns play their first conference football game of the season;
    • Using, FB, Twitter, and runDisney's runner tracking app, track your runners - sending virtual hugs and cheers along the way; also send a funny or motivational text message to anyone who may seem to be struggling;
    • Express congratulations and pride to all your friends who finsh the race and post pics of their awesome new elevator bling;
    • Stay up as late as you possibly can, poring over more social media posts and pics about how much fun everyone is having at the post-race bash.

I'm going with Option 2.  Whichever option you choose, the Post-Race Plan is the same: find some way to make next year's race fit into your schedule and register!  Missing out on all the fun your friends are having running at Disney is no fun at all for you, and causes serious FOMO!

Good luck to everyone running ToT this weekend!  Can't wait to hear about how much fun everyone had. Are you one of them?  If not, do you have any additional FOMO coping strategies to add (to either list)?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Did you know...

... that there is a Facebook page AND a Twitter account for this blog?  You can use either the buttons at the top of the right sidebar or the links below to "Like" and "Follow" either account so you'll know when there's a new post!

What if you don't use Facebook or Twitter?  Would you prefer Google Friend Connect?  Or perhaps follow the RSS feed with a reader of your choice?  Any chance you think I'm cool enough to have new posts delivered straight to your email inbox?  All of those options are available on the left sidebar.  I hope you'll use at least one of them!

I know that sometimes I'm not very good about updating or writing particularly scintillating posts - but a lot of my friends are!  And their running blogs are listed over on the right sidebar - check them out if you have a minute. Do you have a running blog you'd like me to follow/share?  Let me know by posting a comment with your link and I'll check it out - I'm always on the lookout for new fun and inspiring blogs to read!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Watch Out!

I love my Garmin 305 and it takes some pretty out-of-the-ordinary circumstances for me to run without it.  Saturday morning was one of those circumstances.  My friend L's watch was dead, she was turning back early on her own from our group run, and asked to borrow one of ours.  So I offered mine up, and we headed out - me with "naked" wrists.

Here's where I should say it was a liberating experience to run without it - after all, that's what most watch-free posts are about, right?  Well, I don't know about liberating, but it was a good run.  Of course, I wasn't running completely "naked," since quite a few of our group members have watches that beep on intervals, so I simply listened for theirs and stopped/started with the group.  And I did have a few distance cues since I knew we'd be hitting the lake at 3.5 miles, leaving the lake at 5, have a water stop at 7, and finishing at 9.5.  I found myself consistently looking at my watch, but only felt the need to ask what our mileage was a couple of times.  I can't say I loved running watch-less, but it was by no means the end of the world.  However, I did have to have C email me the "stats" later in the day so I could track the run.

Overall it was a great run, and a worthy redemption for last week's fail.

Do you run with a watch or without?  Is it something you "must have" or something you can take or leave?  A necessary training tool or slave-driving gadget?

Week in Review:
  • Monday: 30 minute strength training boot camp, 7 mile bike ride;
  • Tuesday: Yoga for Runners DVD, 2.5 mile TM walk (to test out my calves/left ankle);
  • Wednesday: worked late, skipped;
  • Thursday: worked late, skipped;
  • Friday: 30 minute strength training boot camp;
  • Saturday: Long group run: 9.49 mi, 2:28 (approx.); 15:36 min/mi avg pace;
  • Sunday: rest