Saturday, November 16, 2013

What's Worse Than a Race-Morning?

I don't handle (most) race mornings very well (Disney races are a different story).  I get very quiet and go inside my head to freak out about every possible little thing that could go wrong during the race, including the dreaded DNF...  It's not a pretty thing to behold.

So what's the one thing that strikes more fear in my heart than a race morning?  Car shopping.  Ugh.  Is there anything worse?  My wonderful little 1997 CR-V and I have reached the point where we're going to part ways within the next 6 months or so - she's being replaced by a younger, sleeker model (yes, sadly, she's the "first-wife" of cars).


My stomach clenches and my palms get sweaty just thinking about dealing with salesmen and bankers.  I like living in my safe little world with no pressure and no car payments.

But, moving on - onward and upward - better things ahead - keep moving forward - it will be worth it in the end - etc.  Surely all those motivating running slogans can apply here, right?

Maybe there will even be beer at the finish, lol.