Saturday, November 30, 2013

Who's Up for Another Challenge?

There have been a few requests to revive last year's RunHalfway December Challenge, so we're doing it again this year and we'd love to have you participate!

The guidelines are basically the same as last year:

  1. Pledge to run or walk at least one mile every day of December 2013.  (Yes, this must be running or walking - biking/swimming/other cardio or strength training do not count toward your daily mile for this challenge.)
  2. Share the Challenge badge on FBTwitter (follow @RunHalfway and use #RunHalfwayChallenge), or your blog.
  3. Run or walk at least one mile every day!  Yes, EVERY day!  No skipping or make-up days.  You can make time for a mile every day, and you'll be so proud of yourself when you're done!
  4. After you've logged your daily mile, check Facebook, Twitter, and this blog to record your mileage and get each day's badge to share.  (I will try to start a new post every day in the FB event for recording purposes - please post your mileage as a comment to that post, not as an individual post, thanks!  It'll help keep things organized.)

I'm looking forward to challenging myself and y'all again this year - can't wait to hear about everyone's great work!