Thursday, August 13, 2015

The First 10

The first 10 minutes of a treadmill run are the hardest for me.  On an outdoor run, getting out the door is the hard part.  On the treadmill, staying on the treadmill when I really don't want to be there is the hard part.  It's a little too tempting to just push that red stop button and step off if it's a hard run or you're just not feeling it...I'm not going to lie and say that I've never done least once I got the TM in the house.  So, I have to get myself through the first 10 minutes.  Once I've reached that mini-milestone, completing the rest of the run is usually no problem.


Wednesday morning I chose to sleep in rather than get up and run, so I knew I had an evening run ahead of me, and I was dreading it all day.  Several times I had to talk myself out of skipping it - before I even got home!  So, immediately after I got to the house I ordered myself upstairs to change into running clothes so I wouldn't get comfy on the couch and while away the evening.  After a little procrastinating, I started channel surfing to find the "right" show to watch while running, and lo and behold, Pitch Perfect was on!  So I turned up the volume, flipped the switch on the TM, and started to move.

It still wasn't an easy run, but it was certainly made more enjoyable to have one of my favorite movies on, and the first 10 minutes just flew by!

Monday, August 10, 2015

NTX in August

Welcome to North Texas in August - the thermometer on the back porch (in the shade) officially registered 104 here on Sunday.  We've been hanging out pretty steadily in these temps for a few days now, and are forecast to endure a few more days of this before a "weak cold front" dips us back down into the high 90's later in the week.  Sad when you get excited about double digits.

Whew, let me tell you, this made for a pretty uncomfortable run on Saturday morning.  Even "only" doing 6 miles, and starting at 5am (already 84° at 5am) was pretty brutal.

On the bright side, training in these temps should, theoretically, make at least a couple of my fall races feel a little easier...  ;-)