Saturday, January 1, 2011

Is Virtual Running Really Running?

A virtual run - is there really such a thing?  Yup.  And actually, it's a misnomer.  It should be called a Virtual Race, not a Virtual Run.  You're actually running, you're just not actually racing.  But still, what the heck is it?  The people behind World Run Day have organized a Virtual New Year's Day Run.  Weird, right?  Maybe not!  You choose when, where, and how far you want to run; then you download your e-bib off the website, and just go!  I registered for 5 miles, since that's what was on my schedule, and, per the race instructions, made a small donation to the Texas SPCA, one of my favorite charities.

So, I got up this morning, still stuffy and coughing, looked at the thermometer, ...and chickened out.  I decided to wait until it had at least gotten above freezing to leave the house.  Once noon rolled around, the temps had hit 32, and the sun was out, so I did my 5 miles.  After a week of not running at all, and still feeling fairly yucky (but much better than the previous couple of days), I did it - but I walked it.  I decided there was no point in pushing myself too far while I'm still in recovery mode and doing more damage than good.  But I was determined I was going to get those 5 miles in.  So I stuffed my pockets full of kleenex, bundled myself up, and set out.  Felt great after going, too! 

Today's stats:
  •  5 mi; 1:27:20; 17:28 min/mi avg

Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back...and Forward

It's been a crazy year for me - filled with ups, downs, and plateaus in my quest to turn myself into what I term a "real runner."  The funny thing is that my non-running friends consider me a "real runner" - I just don't consider myself one...but that's a discussion for another post.

As the year draws to a close, I'm looking forward to what the next year has to offer, and reminiscing about the challenges and accomplishments of the last one:
  • Failing to finish the 2010 WDW Half Marathon in January and feeling miserable for months afterward.
  • Half-heartedly training for the Lady of the Lake Relays in March and just barely finishing my leg of the relay without dying.
  • Deciding in June that I was definitely going to run the 2011 WDW Half Marathon and telling myself: No excuses, no holding back!
  • Realizing mid-summer that I was nowhere near "race-ready" and had some serious training to do to get myself in the shape I needed to be in for January 2011.
  • Starting The Blog in August and beginning to share the trials & tribulations of my training with people outside my immediate family.
  • Running the Purple Stride 5K in September
  • Running the short leg (4.8 mi) of the Wine & Dine Half Marathon Relay in October
  • Running the Arbor Day 10K & Turkey Trot in November
  • Running the Reindeer Run 5K in December
All in all, I covered a total of 234.8 miles in 4 months!  And it's definitely a good sign that the accomplishments outweighed the challenges this year.  So, what can I look forward to for the upcoming year?:
And just think, those are only my running goals for 2011 - there's so much more going on - I can't wait to start tackling this and many other lists!!!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year, and I look forward to continuing the blog through 2011 and hopefully beyond!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sick of Being Sick!

As I lie here in bed, having barely moved for the last 48 hours, all I can think of is that I'm sick of being sick.  I feel like I've been run over by a steamroller, and had my head split open with a jackhammer, all at once.  And to top it off, I missed two training runs this week (6 missed miles) - which is really what has me the most upset!  I'm hoping that with one more full day of bed rest and continuing my strict regimin of DayQuil, NyQuil, orange juice, and chicken soup, I'll be back in decent shape by the end of the weekend. 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Canine Christmas Canter

Well, Christmas has officially come and gone.  Bad news - it's over, and that stinks.  Good news - I got my scheduled mileage in over the holiday weekend, plus a couple of unanticipated extra miles!  On Friday morning Dad and I woke up early and ran at T.H.P. (I did 8 and he did 10, though he did his last 2 miles with me at "my" pace).
Then, on Saturday afternoon, Dad's running group organized an impromptu "Fruitcake Run" at Herman Park (because you've got to be slightly nutty to run on Christmas Day, right?).  Because I didn't want to slow down the group, I chose to hang back with my mom, brother, and my brother's dog, Ellie.  Ellie and I ran a couple sprints while mom & Rob walked.  After the group returned from a 2 mile run, we all went our separate ways.  On the way home, I was feeling a little guilty for not having run with the group, so I borrowed my dad's running belt and leash, and grabbed Ellie and we did a couple laps around our neighborhood park - definitely a new experience to run with a dog, but we had fun!  Since I had only planned on running on Friday, getting those couple of miles in on Saturday (even though they were slow, easy, miles) really pleased me.

 Friday's run:
  • 8 miles; 1:48:00 min; 13:30 min//mi avg
Saturday's run (not including the untimed sprints):
  • 1.5 miles; 0:21:02 min; 14:01 min/mi avg