Okay, it's a brand new year. 2016. People are making New Years Resolutions and setting new goals. I'm not big on resolutions, but I do like goals.
I recently realized I didn't set any finite goals for 2015...and looking back on my year, it definitely shows a lack of focus, for sure. Without motivation, I piled on even more unnecessary weight, my eating habits went to he**, and my running "training" (if you can even call it that) slacked off terribly. About the only area of my life where I can say I truly found success all year long was in my work life - which is awesome - but it's definitely time to start focusing on ALL OF ME again.
Ok. Soooooo.... My running friends and I are discussing setting the "2016 in 2016" goal for groups of us. I figure my contribution can safely, and should be, at least 500 miles. This is a personal goal I had set for the last several years and I like having a number to work towards all year long.
So there it is. 500 miles in 2016. Plus of course, the standard "lose weight," "eat better," "keep up with the blog," ... yadah yadah yadah. All of which will be important, but for the beginning of the year I'm going to strictly re-focus on getting my training back on track and then let the rest follow. Lots of hope attached to this one.